We are dedicated to the most advanced ancient civilization and culture in the world. The flourished trade and cultural exchange was the basis of growth and prosperity of Bharat one of the ancient name of Aryavarta Since then Bharat India is marching towards the future following the footprints of its legacy Aryavarta which has glorious history & with it we all together marching towards the future of the world.

The fundamentals of Aryavarta provides guideline for community development through economic and cultural bonding between the countries for exchange of trade and business opportunities in every possible field through cooperation as one global family with synchronicity.

We are committed towards the support for environment, world peace & security with development of Traditional to Scientific & Modern Technologies, enhance research and development facilities and create opportunities focusing for economic growth within country as well as internationally.

For the following reasons, India was called Aryavarta. The entire Earth was called the Bharatvarsha but in particular, the area that lied south to the Himalayan Mountain was called the Bharatvarsha. The Bharatvarsha was also known as Aryavarta meaning the land of Aryans.

In ancient times the land areas covered by the seven tributaries of the River Indus – Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej, Jhelum, Beas and Saraswati was called as Sapta Sindhu – Land of Seven Rivers. The word Sindhu was used to denote the entire land near the river. When Persian came to India they started calling it as Hindu in their own language. Hindu then got modified in Indus and further India after invasion from the European nations.

The Constitution of India and common usage in Hindi recognizes Bharat as an official name of equal status. The origin of the word Bharat dates back to the Ancient vedic era figure that the Hindu scriptures describe as King Bharata, a legendary emperor of ancient India. Bharata once ruled the entire subcontinent and thus the land was named after him as Bharat. Bharat Varsh was also used to denote the empire. The natives of all other countries on the earth praise this very country..

Since the beginning of the world till 5,000 years back, the Aryas were the sovereign rulers of the whole earth, in other words, there was only one paramount power whose suzerainty was acknowledged by the rulers of the earth. Till the time of the Kauravas and the Pandavas, all rulers of the earth and their subjects obeyed the law laid sown by the rulers of this country.

The perusal of the Mahaabhaarata proves that the Aryas were the sovereign rulers of the earth till the coronation of Emperor Yudhisthtira and the Great War of Mahaabhaarata, for we read in that book that King Bhaagadatta of China, Babruvaahan of America, Vidalakha* of Europe, the Ruler of Greece, King Shalya of Persia and various other rulers came as ordered to take part in the GreatWar and in the coronation of Emperor Yudhishthira.

Where the house of Raghu held paramount authority (in this country), even King Raavana of Ceylon acknowledged its suzerainty. Later when he revolted against its authority, Prince Ram Chandra having vanquished and dethroned him placed his younger brother Vibhishana on the throne instead. Since the time of Swyambhava to that of the Paandavas the Aryas were the paramount power throughout the whole world.